“An ounce of prevention” Did you know, mushrooms and fungi are just the tip of the iceberg keeping Highland Lake healthy?
“An ounce of prevention” Did you know, mushrooms and fungi are just the tip of the iceberg keeping Highland Lake healthy?

“An ounce of prevention” Did you know, mushrooms and fungi are just the tip of the iceberg keeping Highland Lake healthy?

Mushrooms in TLBF are THE key to keeping Highland Lake and Island Pond healthy for generations to come

These are mushrooms we found during our tour of the little big forest for the LCHIP Grant.

This 40 acre forest with 4000 feet of shoreline is the key to keeping Highland Lake and Island pond healthy and vibrant for generations to come. We are trying to purchase this property and put it into conservation so that it does not become house building lots where it will be clear-cut in order to put in roads and house building lots which would destroy the ecology of this key piece of land.

An ounce of prevention

“An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure”. This piece of land is what is protecting Highland lake and Island Pond from dying like so many other lakes in New Hampshire that are dying because of development on the shore lines of those lakes.

Our once in a lifetime chance is NOW

Don’t let us in the future say “I wish there was something we could do to fix this lake” like so many towns are doing right now… Our opportunity is here, today, right now. We must succeed, and in order to do that we must purchase this property, and the only way to do that is with your help.

Helping us today is not an act of charity, it is an investment in the future.

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