Fundraising update:
To date, we have received notice from the USFS that they will award us a $600,000 grant. We have submitted a $500,000 grant to the NH LCHIP program. Some members of the LBF “team” will meet with a field site panel on Sept. 22. in hopes of convincing them to fully support our request. I think we have a great shot at this. We will find out in late November.
Meanwhile, we have applied to several other foundations, corporations, and are in the process of submitting a $30,000 grant to the NH Mooseplate program, but it is difficult to find out the status of these applications (a weakness of online submissions).
A critical component of our fundraising effort centers around our need to privately raise $200,000 for associated project costs. We have a great team of 10 very dedicated people who are working feverishly and innovatively to spread the word and to solicit donations. To date, we have raised a little over $56,000. While that is an impressive amount, it is far short of where we had hoped to be, especially as summer fades into autumn and the crowds on Highland Lake start to shrivel.
Event Update:
This Saturday, Sept. 10th, we are scheduled for a 10 a.m. morning reception/fundraiser at Dean Coogan’s family summer home at 191 Powerline Road. In spite of a large mailing, only four couples have signed up to attend.
Call to action:
Folks…we need to have better attendance than this, if we are going to succeed in raising the necessary funds to protect the Little Big Forest.
If you are interested in attending this event that is located on a very scenic/historic part of Highland Lake please consider signing up.
You can reach Dean by email at: deancoogan57@gmail.com
Donuts, pastries, and dishes like quiche, coffee and juices will be provided.
We hope that you will come and bring your family and friends to our festive celebration!
Thank you
Geoffrey T. Jones