Hosting opportunities…. We need your help! Sign up today!
Hosting opportunities…. We need your help! Sign up today!

Hosting opportunities…. We need your help! Sign up today!

This Friday August 26th from 2-4pm is a Coffee and Cookie fundraiser. Click the link below to RSVP. There are only 12 tickets left, First come first serve…

See our Upcoming Fundraising Events page for more events next month.

We need your help in hosting fundraising events. So far, we’ve had a very successful wine and cheese event and we received a very generous donation of half the tips the band received at Highlandpalooza. That said, we need to raise $200,000 to cover legal fees, closing costs, surveys etc. This money will also go to cover any remaining balance if we do not get the grants we’ve applied for. If we do get all the grants and they cover the $1.3M purchase price, then any remaining funds will be put towards the TLBF Stewardship fund. This fund will be managed by the Stoddard Conservation Commission and the Trustees of the Trust.

To host an event, please click on the link below

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